Jack LaViolette

Jack LaViolette

Research Interests


Jack LaViolette is a PhD student and Paul F. Lazarsfeld Fellow in the Department of Sociology at Columbia University. He is broadly interested in the sociology of knowledge and culture, science and technology studies, and quantitatively modeling the diffusion of ideas. His methodological interests include computational approaches to language, discourse analysis, and social network analysis. His past research has investigated masculinity and misogyny online, with both computational methods and linguistic anthropological theory. Currently he is interested in the spread of conspiracy theories from the internet to mainstream American political discourse.


Jack holds a BA with Honors in Linguistics from the University of Pennsylvania, as well as an MSc with Distinction in Social Science of the Internet from the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, where he was a Clarendon Scholar and member of Keble College.



  • BA, Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania (2016)
  • MSc, Social Science of the Internet, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford (2018)