Ph.D. Students
Dominic T Walker
PhD Student
Research Interests
Dissertation / Thesis Title
The Ivory Road to the Ivy League: Narrative Sense-Making of Students of Color in Elite Schools
PhD Alumni
Adrianna Bagnall Munson
PhD Student
Research Interests
Dissertation / Thesis Title
Managing Adulthood: Care and Autonomy for People with Developmental Disabilities
Bailey Alexandra Brown
PhD Student
Research Interests
Dissertation / Thesis Title
Kinder Panic: Parent Decision-Making, School Choice and Neighborhood Life
Brittany Nicole Fox-Williams
PhD Student
Research Interests
Dissertation / Thesis Title
Trust Matters: Race, Relationships, and Achievement in NYC Public Schools
Kathleen Ann Griesbach
PhD Student
Research Interests
Dissertation / Thesis Title
Off the Clock: Uncertain Schedules and Contingent Worker Experiences in Urban and Rural Contexts.
Mark Anthony Hoffman
PhD Student
Research Interests
Dissertation / Thesis Title
Cultural Consumption and Political Thought After the American Revolution
Lisa Lucile Owens
PhD Student
Research Interests
Dissertation / Thesis Title
Notes on the use of Surveillance in Public Housing
Dialika Sall
PhD Student
Research Interests
Dissertation / Thesis Title
"(Re)Defining Blackness: Race, Ethnicity and the Children of African Immigrants"
Joonwoo Son
PhD Student
Research Interests
Dissertation / Thesis Title
Governing the Unofficial Readings of Statistics: Transition in the Japanese State Bureaucracy's Use of National Income Statistics, 1946-1970
Anthony Urena
PhD Student
Research Interests
Dissertation / Thesis Title
From Risk to Reality: Race, Sexuality, and Disease in an Age of Uncertainty
M.A. Students
Masters Alumni
Courtney LaVonne Castleman
Master's Student
Research Interests
Dissertation / Thesis Title
“Invisible Disability: Negotiating Disclosure at an Elite University”
Tessa Gillen Constantine
Master's Student
Dissertation / Thesis Title
Perceptions of Identity in an Indigenous Language Revitalization Program
Anna Francis Dowling
Master's Student
Dissertation / Thesis Title
"From Manhattan to Monterey. Female-Led Television Reception: Gendered Critiques & Selective Silences”
Claudia Antonia Hernandez
Master's Student
Dissertation / Thesis Title
A Great Day for Lash Equality: Ambiguous Appeal in Male-Centered Cosmetics Campaigns"
Eva Jahan
Master's Student
Dissertation / Thesis Title
Spit That! How Slam Poetry Venues Combat Intergenerational Trauma
Jaewon Kim
Master's Student
Dissertation / Thesis Title
"Diversity Among Asian Americans: Experiences of Microaggressions and Perceived Race Among East and South Asians"
Hanna Marie Love
Master's Student
Dissertation / Thesis Title
"Constructing Lives in the Courtroom: How “Court Talk” Produces and Punishes Disadvantage in Juvenile Delinquency Proceedings"
Addison Elizabeth Malone
Master's Student
Dissertation / Thesis Title
Troubling Access: Technologies for Public-Use at the New York Public Library (NYPL), 1997-2017
Christine Efua Ohenewah
Master's Student
Research Interests
Dissertation / Thesis Title
The Price of Indomitability: The Medicalized Valuation of Black Women’s Reproduction
Sebastian M. Ortega
Master's Student
Research Interests
Dissertation / Thesis Title
Resisting Settler Colonialism Through the Occupation of Space, Prison Politics, and Indigeneity: Chicano/Indigenous Street and Prison Gangs
Dakota Zoe Ross-Cabrera
Master's Student
Research Interests
Dissertation / Thesis Title
Black, White, Latino, or Other? Race and 2nd Generation Dominican Identity in New York City
Sara Huq Shameem
Master's Student
Research Interests
Dissertation / Thesis Title
Beyond the Prayer: A Case Study on Second Generation Indian American Christians in New York