Technology Affiliated Faculty photo of Denise Milstein Lecturer in Discipline Denise Milstein MA Program Director, Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology Research Interests Environmental Sociology Qualitative Methods Art Social Movements Technology Affiliated Graduate Students Claire Maria Corsten PhD Student Research Interests Qualitative Methodology Inequality Political Sociology Social Movements Technology Charlotte Dai Master's Student Research Interests Organizations Science, Knowledge, & Technology Technology Lena Gloeckler PhD Student Research Interests Inequality Work Technology Race, Ethnicity, & Migration
photo of Denise Milstein Lecturer in Discipline Denise Milstein MA Program Director, Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology Research Interests Environmental Sociology Qualitative Methods Art Social Movements Technology
Claire Maria Corsten PhD Student Research Interests Qualitative Methodology Inequality Political Sociology Social Movements Technology
Charlotte Dai Master's Student Research Interests Organizations Science, Knowledge, & Technology Technology
Lena Gloeckler PhD Student Research Interests Inequality Work Technology Race, Ethnicity, & Migration